Ministry Overview
Most women come to Calvary Women's Restoration House (CWRH) at a point of crisis in their life. No matter how clearly we define the terms of the commitment they are making, we realize that most of the time, they may not always have a clear enough mind to understand and acknowledge the magnitude of their commitment. For that reason, we allow them the first 30 days to see the following:
Who Jesus is
What CWRH is really like
What it means to be a disciple and live Biblically-based life
What their commitment actually require of them
This 30-day period also allows our Ministry Team to evaluate the sincerity of the Resident’s commitment, their physical ability to participate in the program, and the Resident’s overall attitude toward real change in her life.
During this Phase, the Resident will participate in the following:
Strong Foundations Discipleship Study
How to Study the Bible Workshop
Becoming acquainted with a family structure and practical living household skills
Biblical Discipleship
Church attendance
Individual Biblical Guidance
Opportunities to give back through Community Service
At the end of 30 days, there will be an evaluation, at which time the Resident and the CWRH Ministry Team will be able to know if this is a fit for both parties. If all agree, the Resident will be asked to commit to the remaining term of the one-year program.
This phase of Resident’s time will be used to help her grow through the study of God’s Word. She will participate in additional programs offered to help with vital life skills, including but not limited to:
Heart of Addiction Study that presents a biblical view of addiction and how to address addiction through scriptural principles
Various specialized studies addressing her core issues of struggle
Healed and Set Free Study to help her heal from past hurts and learn how to create healthy patterns to deal with hard issues in the future
Biblical Work Ethics Course with assessments
Classes in health and exercise
Education on how to cook, how to create a meal preparation plan, how to create a menu, and how to put together a food budget
Biblical Discipleship
Church attendance
Individual Biblical Guidance
Opportunities to give back through Community Service
There will be a follow-up meeting six months from the date of the Resident’s 30-day evaluation. An assessment will be made at that time as to the Resident’s progress in Phase 2 and to determine if Phase 3 is a viable option for the Resident. The determination as to the Resident’s readiness for Phase 3 will be based upon a joint evaluation by the Ministry Team and the Resident.
The last phase of the CWRH term is used to help women use what they have learned through the first phases and apply it to everyday life. This phase has a residential and a non-residential component. Each resident may enter this phase and components at different times, depending on her progress, with guidance from the Ministry team. During this phase, Residents will be able to participate in various courses and activities that will prepare them for reentry into non-residential life. Those include, but are not limited to, Residential:
All courses offered in Phase 2
Financial Peace University Workshop and individual financial counseling
Church attendance
Individual Biblical Guidance
Resume Writing Workshop and creation of a personal resume
Assistance in finding a job
Opportunities to give back through Community Service
Once the resident has completed the Residential portion of Phase 3, she will have completed the following requirements prior to entering the Non-Residential part of Phase 3:
Secured a job
Financially saved a sufficient amount to pay rent and the initial deposit on an apartment
Created a personal budget
Executed a Contract of Agreement for the Non-Residential Component, which includes boundaries and accountability