Before Applying

In order to provide every candidate with the best help they can receive, Calvary Women's Restoration House (CWRH) seeks to accept those to whom we are called and equipped to minister. In order to be considered as a candidate for the ministry, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • This ministry is designed to bring about change, so applicants must demonstrate a willingness to change at all times.

  • An applicant does not need to be Christian in order to come here; however, they must be open to seeking God and the direction He has for their life. They must understand that they are coming to a Christ-centered ministry, where God’s word is the ultimate authority and where they will be taught and held accountable to Christian standards of behavior.

  • An applicant must have a sincere desire and willingness to be challenged and discipled both spiritually and practically in a walk with Christ.

  • An applicant must be physically able to participate in all activities, including, but not limited to, chores, minimal exercise, and practical Christian Ministry.

  • An applicant must not be on any prescription medication that is addictive or potentially abusive. Life-sustaining medications are allowed with a proper prescription. CWRH Ministry Team must approve all medications. (Psychotropic medications are NOT considered life-sustaining medications. CWRH is a program for women who are willing to look to the Lord to help them with/through emotional matters rather than continuing on medication. CWRH is not a medical facility. If you are currently taking psychotropic medication and desire to be in the program, you must first have a conversation with the Ministry Team. You must then contact your doctor and bring with you a safe step-down process and adequate medication to complete that process.)

  • An applicant must not need any treatment for medical conditions in the first six months. Although we understand health is important, we also understand that it has not been the main focus of the applicant's life. During the program's initial six months, we do not schedule regular dental or health check-ups. CWRH is not staffed to transport residents to and from medical appointments. Therefore, any serious medical/dental needs must be addressed prior to entry into the program. In the event of an actual emergency, Residents will be taken to the dentist/doctor.

  • You must be able to provide a one-time $250 cash donation to the ministry in order to have something of your own invested in changing your life. In special circumstances, this donation may be waived.

  • Disclaimer: CWRH may not be suitable for everybody. A referral network is in place and is being expanded for people to whom CWRH may not be equipped to help, i.e., those in need of detoxification, those with mental illnesses, severe physical illnesses, or disabilities, etc. CWRH does not discriminate based upon race or ethnic background.