

Well, here goes, a first attempt at my blog. I have since early adulthood had a heart to help women in need.  But with raising 4 kids (3 step and 1 biological), and putting a husband thru school, he had a 9th grade education when he started and ended with a doctorate in computer science. As you can guess I had very little me time. Fast forward 30 plus years, kids raised and husband finally out of school, we decided to try to open a Women’s house in the Denver CO area. We tried and it just didn’t work out, we found a great place in Cope CO that I loved but, it was not right. I still love Cope but, mention the words Cope CO to my husband and watch him give you the stink eye!  LOL 

Anyway, Tony and I decided to have two homeless women come and live with us. First was a woman in her 60’s named Barbara that came into a Most Excellent Way meeting at Calvary Chapel Aurora. She had been living with her sponsor as a roommate and her sponsor had a melt down and kicked her out.  This was the beginning of winter in CO.  So, she told us, she would be living in her car.  I said “oh no you won’t, you will come and live with us.  We have a spare bedroom you can stay in.”  She didn’t know what to think, she had no idea who we were.  But after some assurances from the leaders of the group that we weren’t mass murderers, she moved in with us.

A few months later we were talking to a woman at the meeting and asking if she got to see her daughter that weekend.  She was living in a sober living house and was the leader there.  She told us no she didn’t get to see her daughter and we asked why.  She said she was not able to pay all her rent this week and her punishment was no kids.  Her rent was $250 a week and she worked at 7-11! So, we took her home and she packed up her stuff and moved her to our 2-bedroom apartment. So, now Barbara had a roommate with no notice!  LOL yes, it went just that well, ha-ha.

They fought, they bickered but, both had a roof over their heads and food to eat and Angel was able to see her daughter whenever she wanted. Two years later Angel came to us and wanted to give us $100. I said “No that she was to use that money to pay off her restitution” from being in jail and paying back for the crimes she had committed. We let them live at our place rent free so that could do just that.  Angel said, “Please take it, I have paid off my restitution.” Which was close to $10,000.  Praise Jesus!

During her time with us, she went at least once a month with a group of people she had gotten together to go to downtown Denver to feed the homeless and give them warm clothes to wear. She now lives in downtown Denver and counsels the homeless.

During the time with us Barbara was able to repair all relationships with her family, who had not spoken to her in years, and was finally able to see her grandchildren. Barbara has gotten sick from her alcoholism and has moved back with her daughter where she can be closely cared for.

Until next time,



Why Restoring Lives Through Jesus Matters